
/******************************************************************************* * kindeditor - wysiwyg html editor for internet * pg电子平台网站 copyright (c) 2006-2011 kindsoft.net * * @author roddy * @site http://www.kindsoft.net/ * @licence http://www.kindsoft.net/license.php *******************************************************************************/ kindeditor.lang({ source : 'source', preview : 'preview', undo : 'undo(ctrl z)', redo : 'redo(ctrl y)', cut : 'cut(ctrl x)', copy : 'copy(ctrl c)', paste : 'paste(ctrl v)', plainpaste : 'paste as plain text', wordpaste : 'paste from word', selectall : 'select all', justifyleft : 'align left', justifycenter : 'align center', justifyright : 'align right', justifyfull : 'align full', insertorderedlist : 'ordered list', insertunorderedlist : 'unordered list', indent : 'increase indent', outdent : 'decrease indent', subscript : 'subscript', superscript : 'superscript', formatblock : 'paragraph format', fontname : 'font family', fontsize : 'font size', forecolor : 'text color', hilitecolor : 'highlight color', bold : 'bold(ctrl b)', italic : 'italic(ctrl i)', underline : 'underline(ctrl u)', strikethrough : 'strikethrough', removeformat : 'remove format', image : 'image', multiimage : 'multi image', flash : 'flash', media : 'embeded media', table : 'table', tablecell : 'cell', hr : 'insert horizontal line', emoticons : 'insert emoticon', link : 'link', unlink : 'unlink', fullscreen : 'toggle fullscreen mode', about : 'about', print : 'print', filemanager : 'file manager', code : 'insert code', map : 'google maps', baidumap : 'baidu maps', lineheight : 'line height', clearhtml : 'clear html code', pagebreak : 'insert page break', quickformat : 'quick format', insertfile : 'insert file', template : 'insert template', anchor : 'anchor', yes : 'ok', no : 'cancel', close : 'close', editimage : 'image properties', deleteimage : 'delete image', editflash : 'flash properties', deleteflash : 'delete flash', editmedia : 'media properties', deletemedia : 'delete media', editlink : 'link properties', deletelink : 'unlink', tableprop : 'table properties', tablecellprop : 'cell properties', tableinsert : 'insert table', tabledelete : 'delete table', tablecolinsertleft : 'insert column left', tablecolinsertright : 'insert column right', tablerowinsertabove : 'insert row above', tablerowinsertbelow : 'insert row below', tablerowmerge : 'merge down', tablecolmerge : 'merge right', tablerowsplit : 'split row', tablecolsplit : 'split column', tablecoldelete : 'delete column', tablerowdelete : 'delete row', nocolor : 'default', pleaseselectfile : 'please select file.', invalidimg : "please type valid url.\nallowed file extension: jpg,gif,bmp,png", invalidmedia : "please type valid url.\nallowed file extension: swf,flv,mp3,wav,wma,wmv,mid,avi,mpg,asf,rm,rmvb", invalidwidth : "the width must be number.", invalidheight : "the height must be number.", invalidborder : "the border must be number.", invalidurl : "please type valid url.", invalidrows : 'invalid rows.', invalidcols : 'invalid columns.', invalidpadding : 'the padding must be number.', invalidspacing : 'the spacing must be number.', invalidjson : 'invalid json string.', uploadsuccess : 'upload success.', cuterror : 'currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcut(ctrl x) instead.', copyerror : 'currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcut(ctrl c) instead.', pasteerror : 'currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcut(ctrl v) instead.', ajaxloading : 'loading ...', uploadloading : 'uploading ...', uploaderror : 'upload error', 'plainpaste.comment' : 'use keyboard shortcut(ctrl v) to paste the text into the window.', 'wordpaste.comment' : 'use keyboard shortcut(ctrl v) to paste the text into the window.', 'code.pleaseinput' : 'please input code.', 'link.url' : 'url', 'link.linktype' : 'target', 'link.newwindow' : 'new window', 'link.selfwindow' : 'same window', 'flash.url' : 'url', 'flash.width' : 'width', 'flash.height' : 'height', 'flash.upload' : 'upload', 'flash.viewserver' : 'browse', 'media.url' : 'url', 'media.width' : 'width', 'media.height' : 'height', 'media.autostart' : 'auto start', 'media.upload' : 'upload', 'media.viewserver' : 'browse', 'image.remoteimage' : 'insert url', 'image.localimage' : 'upload', 'image.remoteurl' : 'url', 'image.localurl' : 'file', 'image.size' : 'size', 'image.width' : 'width', 'image.height' : 'height', 'image.resetsize' : 'reset dimensions', 'image.align' : 'align', 'image.defaultalign' : 'default', 'image.leftalign' : 'left', 'image.rightalign' : 'right', 'image.imgtitle' : 'title', 'image.upload' : 'browse', 'image.viewserver' : 'browse', 'multiimage.uploaddesc' : 'allows users to upload <%=uploadlimit%> images, single image size not exceeding <%=sizelimit%>', 'multiimage.startupload' : 'start upload', 'multiimage.clearall' : 'clear all', 'multiimage.insertall' : 'insert all', 'multiimage.queuelimitexceeded' : 'queue limit exceeded.', 'multiimage.fileexceedssizelimit' : 'file exceeds size limit.', 'multiimage.zerobytefile' : 'zero byte file.', 'multiimage.invalidfiletype' : 'invalid file type.', 'multiimage.unknownerror' : 'unknown upload error.', 'multiimage.pending' : 'pending ...', 'multiimage.uploaderror' : 'upload error', 'filemanager.emptyfolder' : 'blank', 'filemanager.moveup' : 'parent folder', 'filemanager.viewtype' : 'display: ', 'filemanager.viewimage' : 'thumbnails', 'filemanager.listimage' : 'list', 'filemanager.ordertype' : 'sorting: ', 'filemanager.filename' : 'by name', 'filemanager.filesize' : 'by size', 'filemanager.filetype' : 'by type', 'insertfile.url' : 'url', 'insertfile.title' : 'title', 'insertfile.upload' : 'upload', 'insertfile.viewserver' : 'browse', 'table.cells' : 'cells', 'table.rows' : 'rows', 'table.cols' : 'columns', 'table.size' : 'dimensions', 'table.width' : 'width', 'table.height' : 'height', 'table.percent' : '%', 'table.px' : 'px', 'table.space' : 'space', 'table.padding' : 'padding', 'table.spacing' : 'spacing', 'table.align' : 'align', 'table.textalign' : 'horizontal', 'table.verticalalign' : 'vertical', 'table.aligndefault' : 'default', 'table.alignleft' : 'left', 'table.aligncenter' : 'center', 'table.alignright' : 'right', 'table.aligntop' : 'top', 'table.alignmiddle' : 'middle', 'table.alignbottom' : 'bottom', 'table.alignbaseline' : 'baseline', 'table.border' : 'border', 'table.borderwidth' : 'width', 'table.bordercolor' : 'color', 'table.backgroundcolor' : 'background', 'map.address' : 'address: ', 'map.search' : 'search', 'baidumap.address' : 'address: ', 'baidumap.search' : 'search', 'baidumap.insertdynamicmap' : 'dynamic map', 'anchor.name' : 'anchor name', 'formatblock.formatblock' : { h1 : 'heading 1', h2 : 'heading 2', h3 : 'heading 3', h4 : 'heading 4', p : 'normal' }, 'fontname.fontname' : { 'arial' : 'arial', 'arial black' : 'arial black', 'comic sans ms' : 'comic sans ms', 'courier new' : 'courier new', 'garamond' : 'garamond', 'georgia' : 'georgia', 'tahoma' : 'tahoma', 'times new roman' : 'times new roman', 'trebuchet ms' : 'trebuchet ms', 'verdana' : 'verdana' }, 'lineheight.lineheight' : [ {'1' : 'line height 1'}, {'1.5' : 'line height 1.5'}, {'2' : 'line height 2'}, {'2.5' : 'line height 2.5'}, {'3' : 'line height 3'} ], 'template.selecttemplate' : 'template', 'template.replacecontent' : 'replace current content', 'template.filelist' : { '1.html' : 'image and text', '2.html' : 'table', '3.html' : 'list' } }, 'en');